Joining the Dots is a free, personal service for people aged 18 and over who have been diagnosed with cancer. We’re also here to support friends, carers and relatives of those who have a cancer diagnosis. We can speak with you about your needs at a time and place that’s best for you. Our friendly team can support you with a range of issues that may be affected during your diagnosis or that of someone you care for, including: Family/relationship; Physical; Lifestyle/information; Emotional; Spiritual/religious; Practical/money. You can self-refer to Macmillan Joining the Dots County Durham, you do not have to go through a doctor or nurse. Alternatively, with your consent, your doctor, nurse, social worker or facilitator can contact the Joining the Dots team on your behalf. The team will contact you to arrange an appointment and give you more information about how they can help you. Just because you agree to your name and telephone number being shared with us, it does not mean you have to accept the service.
We offer telephone support, video calls, face to face and home visits.
We offer:
- Home visiting
- Hospital visiting
- Information
- Signposting to other services
Catchment area:
County Durham – anyone who lives in County Durham or is registered with a County Durham GP Practice
Opening times:
8:30am – 5pm, Monday - Friday
Interested in joining us?
Just come along to our next meeting, or get in touch with us on the details below.
Find out more:
- Vicki Moffat on 0800 876 6887